Here is a cover release with my name on it! Xchyler Publishing presents Beyond the Wail: 12 Grave Stories of Love and Loss. This collection is the result of one of their quarterly competitions. I managed to squeak a story in there some how. Don’t blink and you’ll see my name come up on the video.
These stories are paranormal, but they represent a wide variety of views of what paranormal is and how to write it. It is going to be a book well worth reading.
Xchyler Publishing has released Sigil of the Wyrm, the first book of the Into the Weirding series. It is Urban Fantasy in the best kind of way, not just introducing elves and such into the modern world, but creating its own unique universe which is a step sideways from where normal people live.
Interview with A.J. Campbell
What is your advice to writers?
a) Read, read, read, read, read. Develop your taste. If you don’t have a feel for what makes a good book, how are you going to be able to write one?
b)And write. Write all the time you’re not reading. You wouldn’t expect to sit down at a piano for the first time and play Rachmaninov just like that – so why expect your first scribblings to be your best? Writing is a skill like any other, and you have to practice if you want to get good.
c)And don’t be too precious about your work. Some of the best advice I ever had was that if there is ever a paragraph or a section of your story that you are particularly attached to, cut it. It will start to warp the story around itself like a black hole or a space-time anomaly. Always remember that your prose should be serving the story, not the other way around.
What’s up next for you?
I’ve already started on book 2, which will be the next in the Into the Weirding series. It’ll be drawing a lot on Arthurian legend this time, especially the Excalibur stories. I’m about as far as chapter outlines and a few first-drafts of scenes, so watch this space…!
What is your favorite snack while writing?
Does coffee count as a snack? Tea?
If you had three wishes, what would they be?
I’m far more practical than people think, so I’d probably go for some variation on the standard “Health, Wealth and Happiness”. I’d like to be earning enough from my writing that I’d never have to worry about money again, I’d like 20/20 vision again so I could stop faffing around with glasses and contact lenses, and I’d quite like to play the violin.
Is there anything else you’d like your readers to know about you?
I’ve been listening to the 1812 Overture recently, and I think more pieces of music should be scored for artillery.