Tag Archives: Belandria

New(ish) Release

I’ve relased the third in the Belandria Tarot, The Empire Unbalanced.

The series was originally planned to be four books, but the story refused to be contained and it will be five books.

Click on the cover to the right and read a sample of the book and learn where you can purchase it.

I will be looking for beta readers for book four this summer. That means to read the book, then tell me what you don’t like in it. Contact me if you are interested.

The Regent’s Reign coming soon

Marriette is acting as Regent while King Harald goes on a pilgrimage to atone for his actions. Holding things together for a few months shouldn’t be that hard. Then Harald disappears and treachery grows thick around her. She’s going to have to fight for her life and the future of Belandria.

Release date April 30, 2018.  Advanced reader copies available for reviewers.