Overdue Update

It has been a while since I update the site. So here’s what has been going on in the past year.

I published Victoria Run, book 3 in the Blue in Kamloops series and it’s page is up and running, but I needed to post an announcement

Two new books are in the print proof stage and will be released this spring and summer.

One is The Clockwork Circus a stand alone book.

Frederick is forced to attend a prestigious academy for aetheric users, despite not having any ability to use aether. There must be reason, but no one will tell him. When the circus comes to town, everything changes.

The second in The Fae trilogy, Shieldmaiden’s Quest follows Robin into the Ancan Empire as it falls apart. Her job is to try to prevent civil war, but the land has other ideas.

I don’t have a cover yet, or even a proper title, but the fourth book in the Blue in Kamloops series is in the works. I’m hoping to have it out for the fall.

One thought on “Overdue Update”

  1. Hello Mr Alex. I couldn’t see a way to message you so I’m going to leave this comment. I’d really like to talk to you about a project. If you have the time could you please contact me ? This is Desirae post (aka desirae Penner ) from Flin Flon.

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